Litigation Paralegal
As one of the firm’s litigation paralegals, Lisa assists our attorneys in every aspect of the litigation process, including preparing for and assisting in trials. She holds an Associate in Applied Science degree in Paralegal Specialty from Del Mar College, a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from UTSA, and completed her Master’s in Legal Studies from Texas A&M School of Law with a focus on Healthcare Law in 2024.
In 2022, her article "The Last S.T.R.A.W.: Managing Your Emotions in the Workplace" was featured in the Texas Paralegal Journal. Following its success, the article was reprinted in Facts and Findings, a national publication, in 2023. She has also explored the complexities of paralegal certifications in her second article, "CERTIFIED Confusion: Knowing the Differences between CertiFIED and CertiFICATE,” which was also featured in the Texas Paralegal Journal in 2023.
Lisa actively contributes to the legal community as a Board Member of the San Antonio Paralegal Association, which allows her to engage with fellow professionals, stay abreast of industry trends, and contribute to the growth and development of the local legal community. She is also a member of the Paralegal Division of the State Bar of Texas, NALA - The Paralegal Association, and is board certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Personal Injury Trial Law.
Lisa is also a huge Spurs fan and an advocate for adolescent mental health awareness.